The Stuart period is a period in British history that refers to the period between 1603 - 1714, the period ended with the death of Queen Anne. This period was plagued by internal and religious strife and a large scale civil war. During this time the high oval shaped hair that was fashionable during the Elizabethan period was still considered very fashionable during this time, the hair was brushed up over a pad or high wire frame, and then drawn back into a bun that was set quite high on the head, this may have very narrow plaits that were arranged at the back of the head or around the bun. High foreheads were still fashionable. Women during this time were not afraid of using cosmetics, women patched and painted to get the pink and white complexion which was so desired.
"Her mouth compar'd t'an Oyster's with a row of pearl in't stead of teeth; Others make posies of her cheeks, where red and whitest colours mix; In which the Lilly and the rose, for Indian lake and ceruse goes."
After doing this short bit of research into the Stuart period I don't really think it will be appropriate to incorporate it into my hair and makeup design for my character, as it is too far away from the Victorian beauty ideals and would take away from the period completely. However doing this research has been beneficial to me because I have realised that this is the wrong direction for my design.
Courtas G (1973). Womens Headdress and Hairstyles in England
From AD600 to the Present Day. Essex: The Anchor Press Ltd. p
112 - 144.
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