Claudia is a girl in her twenties. As a child she was
left alone to develop with little parental guidance and through her
relationship with T.V. movies developed an unhealthy relationship with Horror
films, believing this to be the way life really is.
All the scenes take place in various parts of
Claudia’s apartment, which is European in style with
a great deal of kitsch décor. She is agoraphobic and is kept in touch with the
outside world by her neighbours who provide her with her every day
requirements. She models herself on a
variety of girls often twisting her look to suit whichever film she is watching
at the time and there is often
a nod to the main character in the current film within her appearance.
The script portrays her as psychotic and there is
always the feeling that although her character is scripted/can be seen as humorous,
danger is just around the corner.
However all this is normal to Claudia and she is of a cheerful
disposition in this mad world of hers.
To start my development of Claudia I have highlighted the main points of the character description that I think I could use as a starting point to develop her character. My interpretation that I have of Claudia at the moment that she is going to be psychotic, this would be due to her being left alone when she was younger and has developed and unhealthy relationship with horror films and turns to drugs and alcohol which worsens her psychotic tendencies. I will start looking at horror movies to find some characters that she can mould herself into.
I have also looked at other characters from American Horror story that could fit Claudia's profile.
All of these characters fit the profile of Claudia as they are all very young, isolated and easily manipulated by someone who is older and more dominant. They often have love interests that may not be worth persuing as they are ghosts, dead or insane which could attribute to their psychosis. However because I have decided to go with the Hotel series I have chosen to base my character Claudia around Sally.
Sally McKenna - Sally McKenna is a ghost junkie who has been residing in the Hotel Cortez after she was killed in 1994. Before she came to the hotel she was a drug dealer and addict she has severe abandonment issues and has dark fantasies of being together with a partner. She was a songwriter during the grunge period and one night when she injected she endured a bizzare drug enduced psycosis, and developed the idea to sow them all together, in which they died in the process, she laid next to her friends for three days, but constantly returned to the hotel as it is the only place she feels needed.
Sally is incredibly disturbed both mentally and emotionally, she is desperate for affection and uses manipulative methods to receive it. She has disruptive and emotional outbursts and has a dishevelled appearance which is very reminiscent of the era that she died in. She has injuries on her body such as scars on her arms from frequent drug use.
How she relates to Claudia
I believe that sally fits the profile for Claudia perfectly as due to her being left at home a lot as a child this has lead to her developing severe attachment issues, after this she fell for a guy where she developed her drug addiction which lead to psycosis. Because she is a ghost she cant leave the Hotel, so she relies on Mrs. Laderman to relay information to her about Quentin. She frequently fantasises about stitching herself to Qentin to keep him with her forever, and she often lashes out when he doesn't want to see him.
Mrs Laderman
Claudia’s neighbour
in her 40’s. She alternately changes into a variety alter egos and is Claudia’s
friend and confidant. Living in the apartment opposite, she was Claudia’s only
link to the outside world. Although they are friends there is suspicion that Mrs
L’, has designs on Quentin. In fact she has designs on Claudia.
These are the main points that I have highlighted about Mrs. Laderman, the way I perceive her is like a femme fatale image, she is definitely in a position of power over Claudia as she is her only link to the outside world, so the information she relays to her is what she will believe. She will be strong, glamourous and a complete juxtaposition to Claudia.
I have also looked at other characters from American Horror Story that could fit Mrs Laderman's profile.
The reason I have chosen these characters as they are all strong female leads in the previous series of American Horror Story, they are often battling for positions of power and will do anything to achieve what they want, they are often very influential on people who are younger than them but underestimate the power of what they could do. In their own way they are all very glamorous, and strive to keep themselves young, beautiful and overall powerful. But because I have been inspired by the Countess from the series Hotel.
The Countess - Elizabeth - The Countess is a glamorous but deadly creature who sustains on a healthy diet of sex and blood. She kills her victims with a fashionable chain mail glove. She became the owner of the hotel in 1925. She has had many failed relationships, with men and women, after getting pregnant and having an unsuccessful abortion she had a baby who is half human half vampire. Over the years she has turned multiple children to sustain herself.
The Countess is a strong woman, she has a light face and blonde hair, she has an improved sense of fashion and art, her clothes are fashionable and suit the era that she is living in and her penthouse if filled with art pieces and neon signs. She has a masterful personality and doesn't like to share.
How she relates to Mrs. Laderman
I think the that the Countess fits the profile of Mrs. Laderman perfectly as she is the perfect femme fatale with a strong personality. Because she is a vampire and isn't dead she can leave the hotel and will relay information to Claudia, but twist it in ways that will manipulate her psychotic mind. She is power and money hungry and has her sights set on Claudia, and is planning to manipulate her to kill Quentin, to keep her for herself.
Wikia. (2015). Elizabeth. Available: Last accessed 18th March 2015.
Wikia. (2015). Sally McKenna. Available: Last accessed 18th March 2015